

Sitecore商务设计 & Development

天网科技拥有经验丰富的开发人员和富有创造力的设计师,他们的设计速度更快, 互动和吸引人的Sitecore商务网站. 我们也倾向于根据客户的需求定制功能.

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Sitecore商务设计 & Development


Sitecore商务咨询 & Ecommerce Strategy

We have deep expertise in strategizing and creating the most cost-effective and feature-rich solutions. We provide you with the tactical gear that helps you transform your ideas into an effective and elegant store. 我们坚定地致力于为客户提供正确的解决方案.

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Sitecore商务咨询 & Ecommerce Strategy


Sitecore Commerce升级

我们将您的旧Sitecore Commerce版本升级到最新和稳定的版本. 我们随时了解最新的消息,让您随时了解. 我们处理的技术部分没有任何数据丢失和帮助快速升级.

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Sitecore Commerce升级



对许多人来说,移民通常是一项艰巨的任务. 如果您正在考虑迁移当前的存储,Skynet Technologies是一个明智的选择. 我们帮助您克服所涉及的复杂问题,缓解迁移的压力.





We, 在天网科技, are experts in sketching the unique Sitecore Commerce plugin that offers flexibility to our clients worldwide. Also, our team of experts ensures that our clients get a complete range of the relevant services of deployment of these plugins. 这推动了简单的导航和成熟的商店和网站.





我们理解您的客户对安全可靠的支付过程的担忧. 这里的任何异常都可能导致大量客户流失. 因此,我们非常关注和关注建立或整合最安全的支付网关. 我们还选择不同的支付网关集成,以服务不同地区的客户.





pg电子官网在您身边为您的下一个Sitecore商业项目, 您将为您不断增长的业务提供最佳和完美的集成解决方案. We also explore the public and private APIs to offer creamy smooth Sitecore Commerce integration solutions.




ERP & CRM Integration

我们的ERP和CRM集成服务, we support an endless expansion of your Ecommerce business with advanced management and analytics capabilities. 与目录信息在ERP, you can publish through Sitecore Commerce to offer a seamless integrated experience to your customers. We can also help integrate with any CRM to track all your interactions with your customers like orders, support requests, contact info, etc.

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ERP & CRM Integration


Support & Maintenance

我们的24*7支持和维护团队提供持续的服务 & 竭诚为您服务,协助您完成店铺升级, scalability services, 和额外的支持,确保一个无摩擦的购物体验给你的客户.

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Support & Maintenance



企业谁正在考虑使网站全ADA WCAG 2.1 compliance; we provide Sitecore website accessibility remediation services including audit, consulting, remediation, maintenance, monitoring, training, and support. 它是大型企业,联邦和州政府的网站和数字资产的理想选择. 我们的解决方案可以使您的网站符合以下任何标准- ADA, WCAG 2.1, ATAT 2.0, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, and France RGAA.

Read more 关于Sitecore网站可访问性补救服务




Sitecore All in One Accessibility Widget is based on assistive technology and AI to enhance the accessibility and usability of the website quickly. 它可以在2分钟内安装. 它根据WCAG 2等标准提高了网站的可访问性.1, ATAG 2.0, ADA, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, 和法国RGAA标准. 它是初创企业的理想选择, micro, small, and medium business websites who intent to have user experience enhancements and more than basic level accessibility compliance.

Sitecore All in One无障碍免费版本仅限于23个功能, and it will work on websites having less than 5k Pageviews per month; while the Pro version is available with 52+ features, 它的价格根据网站的大小和浏览量而变化.

Read more 关于快速Sitecore网站可访问性补救





We renew our marketing and sales strategies from time-to-time to identify the roadblocks and challenges that hinder customer enthusiasm in your store and products. We orchestrate a smarketing strategy that can pep up your customers - both old and new to spike interest in them and make a purchase.



We build professional and scalable websites that stand out from the crowd and pique your buyer’s interest. A casual visitor could also turn into your loyal customers after driving through your marketing and sales funnel. 我们投入时间和精力建设可持续发展的网站, 在抵消流失的影响和建立一个强大的客户基础.



We, 在天网科技, 在了解客户脉搏方面有经验和专业知识. 我们用促销代码建立个性化的客户忠诚度计划, rebates, discounts, 享用优质服务, 更诱人的优惠,可以刺激客户做出购买, in turn, increases revenue.



我们建立移动响应的Sitecore店面,在那里你可以看到增强的客户活动. 这些网站还通过推送通知来降低购物车放弃率. A great buzz of shopping activity happens over mobile phones and hence we provide mobile-friendly websites.



我们所有的购物网站都是SEO友好的,并按照W3C准则构建. 我们的SEO专家花了大量的时间来挑选合适的内容, keyword, 图片和视频优化和更多,提高排名在搜索引擎页面的结果.

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Professional websites

We have massive experience in building professional websites with all the features customers are looking for. We help you pick the right plugins and integrations that enhance the functionality of your website. 如果需要,我们也可以从头开始构建任何插件. 有互动主题, bug-free code, SEO optimized content, 你的网站是你业务增长的基石


Quick Loading Speed

我们的数字团队投资于网络优化, 数据库优化和设计一个完美的网站,加载速度更快. We are aware of the fact that a slow loading website hurts the rankings of your website in google search and also increases the customer churn. So we do a quick speed test and if required suggest another round of iteration in optimizing the site.


Intuitive Navigation

Our UI/UX design team structure and place every element so that the customers can find everything they are looking in just a second.We ensure your online store has a user focused design and works across all devices which is the key to increasing conversions. We are proficient in building engaging websites that your customers can decide in just a few clicks.


  • 优质咨询服务
  • 全面的购物体验
  • 提升品牌认知
  • 把访客变成顾客
  • 流量和交易高峰
  • 收入迅速增长
  • 建立客户忠诚度
  • Proven sales record
  • SEO friendly websites
  • 易于升级的Sitecore功能


Sitecore Experience Commerce solution is the ecommerce solution or ecommerce store development with all capabilities from updating products, 将内容整合到客户见解中.

我们提供包括设计在内的一体化Sitecore Commerce服务 & development, 咨询和电子商务策略, store upgrades, Sitecore Commerce迁移, custom modules, 支付网关集成, ERP与CRM集成, support & maintenance & more.

我们在这方面很灵活. 我们提供两种选择,客户可以选择最适合他们的一种.

  • Choose a dedicated resource model if you want to have full control of the development process and do not want to get into fuss of hiring employees.
  • Choose a fixed time/price model if you have fixed requirements and can determine your project duration.

Yes. 我们在定制和开发从头开始的扩展方面有丰富的经验. 请告诉我们你们的要求, 我们的开发者会精准无误地将这一功能添加到你的商店中.

Yes, we offer a comprehensive set of services that doesn’t end with the development of your store. Our full-scale services include digital marketing solutions like SEO which are more effective to improve your online presence. Our SEO specialists analyze and revise the websites to improve your website rankings in the search engine results.

一旦你决定和我们合作, we assign a dedicated project manager who will work with you and keeps you updated on the progress of the project. 你可以向他提供你的反馈. You would also be in our communication loop wherein you can directly interact with the developers if needed.

The time frame to create a fully functional website depends on various factors like your project requirements, 项目的复杂性, 以及你需要修改的次数. 我们遵循敏捷开发流程,像时钟一样完成开发.

Sitecore commerce使许多企业能够向客户提供个性化的体验. 它是一个集CMS、商务和客户体验于一体的集成解决方案. You can effortlessly understand the customer journey and nurture the targeted customers that boost your sales and ROI. 有了经验丰富的团队,你可以建立一个以结果为导向的零售商店.

我们有内部专家谁可以帮助您选择正确的支付网关. 然而,最好的选择是为你的商店选择多个支付网关. This gives the customers the flexibility to choose their preferred option to make their online payments.

Yes. Our team stays on the top of the latest Sitecore Commerce updates and constantly streamlines our services as per the latest trends.

Absolutely. 我们为您提供访问和分期链接,您可以监控网站的进度. 如果你有任何反馈,也可以让我们知道.

Get Started with Sitecore商务发展

使用Sitecore Commerce开发,根据您的定制需求创建数字店面. 您是否正在寻找Sitecore商务发展, Sitecore Commerce定制Sitecore Commerce设计, Sitecore Commerce迁移, version upgrades, integration, redesign, Sitecore Commerce维护或支持, 你来对地方了! We have an expert team who can help your brand to generate more revenue and take your business to the next level through Sitecore Commerce SEO and digital marketing services. 今天pg电子官网,让我们知道您的要求.

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