以色列标准(IS) 5568数字无障碍法律-你需要知道的一切!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
以色列标准(IS) 5568数字无障碍法

Israel is way ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology and digital accessibility because each company that operates in Israel is bound to adhere to Israel Standard (IS) 5568. 未能遵守建议标准的公司将受到严厉处罚.

The law to govern web accessibility IS 5568 came into effect in 2017 after two years of its scheduled delay (its first version was supposed to be released in 2015).

IS 5568 aims to safeguard the rights and freedom of individuals with disabilities so that they can consume online content, avail its benefits, 独立生活.

请阅读文章以了解IS 5568及其要求.

概述IS 5568 -简要介绍!

The Israeli Standard (IS 5568) is based on the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (ERPD) Act of 1998. 该法案关注的是人民的权利和对他们的歧视. 它评估了私营部门和政府部门的无障碍准则.

该标准得到了技术委员会的批准, and it is subject to review once every five years to ensure its relevancy with modern tools and technologies.

Corrections or updates happen now and then in the original standard that gets published in the Official Gazette, 可以是一个单独的更正表,或者可能只是一个修改.

Any update incorporated into IS 5568 comes into effect from the date of its publication in an official Gazette.

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以色列标准(IS 5568)的要求-它需要什么!

The Israeli Standard (IS 5568) is the guidelines document of C3W (Climate Change Consortium Wales). 该法律与WCAG 2类似.0 standard because it has adapted its many guidelines with local modifications to gain universal acceptance.

Also, the C3W document was accepted by the international standard IEC/ISO 40500 (first edition) in 2012. 该文件链接到以下地址-


它的希伯来语翻译也可以在这里找到 http://www.isoc.org.il/files/w3c.

The standard is made on the concept that websites are dynamic by nature and thereby they can deviate in their real-time performances. 但是,它们的定期维护和新的更新实现对于避免错误至关重要.


  • 基于时间的媒体需要定期审查,以确保其可访问性, 前提是自动化工具很容易获得.
  • 为视频内容添加希伯来语字幕是可能的.
  • It is preferred to allocate the resources to achieve accessibility at the stage of building the website.
  • Directive 1.2解释了基于时间的媒体的指导方针. Audio or Video-only content (pre-recorded and live) must have a textual alternative to describe all the occurrences in the content and increase its understandability.
  • Directive 2.4讨论了内容导航的建议.

Read the Official document to know more!


组织应符合IS 5568!

The Israeli standard applies to all products and services provided by government and private organizations. Every medium and large-sized institution established after 2017 with an annual average revenue of NIS 300,000或更多的人应该遵守法律.

If small businesses also have an average annual income under NIS 300,000 ought to adhere to IS 5568.

为这些公司实施无障碍服务的最后期限是2020年10月. 因此,是时候将可访问性纳入他们的不可访问网站了.

私人承包商,平均收入100新谢克尔,000或更少的产品不符合IS 5568.

Israel is imposing non-compliance penalties and sanctions more strictly than most other countries. 如果无法访问的网站在其他国家被起诉, 他们被要求做出必要的补救措施,或者可能是最低限度的罚款. Whereas in Israel, courts may allow the complainant to ask for statutory damages of up to NIS 50,000.

Interestingly, the complainant is not expected to prove what problems they encountered while accessing the website.

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The Israeli government and non-profit organizations are supporting companies to implement accessibility laws. For instance, Access Israel hosts an annual conference on accessibility discussion in which leaders from different countries participate. Such events and activities empower companies with accessible products and encourage others to include accessibility in their processes.

同时遵守IS 5568, organizations are also required to disclose what accessibility arrangements they’ve made for their websites. 这是一份帮助残疾用户决定他们是否可以使用网站的声明.

Another requirement is that organizations should publish the contact information of their accessibility coordinator on the websites. 因此,如果残疾人遇到任何无障碍问题, 他们可以联系协调员,并提出解决问题的建议.


根据世界卫生组织的数据,大约. 1 billion people across the world need assistive products to access online information and Israel is one such country that is proactively fulfilling their assistive technology requirement.

Israel has been proving its global leadership in technological innovation and cyber security for many years and now it is heading towards becoming a leader in web accessibility as well. Their considerable progress in IS 5568 incorporation and assistive technology innovation is evident. So, Israel is in a strong position to display its web accessibility results to global audiences and set a benchmark for the world.

Skynet Technologies, a proud associate member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and a recognized participant in W3C takes immense pride in its valuable contributions to the global accessibility community.

Whether you require quick accessibility improvements or a complete overhaul of your website accessibility, 你可以指望我们满足你的要求. 作为美国残疾人协会网站无障碍修复服务提供商公司,我们提供全面 ADA网页无障碍服务,包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、支持和持续维护.

Reach out at [email protected] or request an ADA网站可访问性报价. Our mission revolves around aiding you in enhancing the accessibility of your digital presence and improving inclusivity for all.